Welcome to the event “IdentiBeer 6 – Detailed Look on IGA Operations

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Identity Beer

Welcome to the event “IdentiBeer 6 – Detailed Look on IGA Operations

Identity Beer 1

Welcome to the sixth meeting of the Identity Management group, called IdentiBeer 6: Detailed Look on IGA Operations. 

Since we became part of the global network of IdentiBeer, we slightly changed our name 🙂 

This time we are going to get a more closer look what the specific parts of IGA operations are and how are they implemented. We are going to give specific examples and hope also that there will be a fruitful discussion with the participants. 

Of course, since the event is called IdentiBeer, we are going to have beers and pizzas after that.

We are happy to welcome you to the IDVKM Office, located in the Realtors Place Building across from Paradise Shopping Mall (Cherni Vrah Blvd 51g, Office 42).

Since we need to know how many pizzas and beers to order, please register below and text us at infoATidvkm.com if you intend to come. 

Also, information about your Identity Management Knowledge will be very useful in order to make the talk and the discussion accessible for everybody (and of course about your pizza preferences :)). We are looking forward!

Please be aware that we have only 25 Places available!

P.S. If there are any non Bulgarian speakers, we are going to stick with English, otherwise the language will be Bulgarian.

P.P.S. If you finish work early and you are wondering what to do, come earlier to have a beer beforehand 🙂

Categories: Events


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